Monday, August 9, 2010

Research Action's a GO!

I haven't changed my plan but once I embark on my initial survey, I feel confident that information gathered will drive my path and narrow my topic considerably. Please take a minute to read my plan and I'd love to hear your thoughts/comments.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Week 3 posting of Action Research Project Process Overview

1. Examining the work: Setting the Foundation – to find out why teachers leave school and or the teacher profession and gain insight how to create an environment to increase teacher retention.
2. Analyzing data – I will use information from AIES reports, surveys and literature gathered throughout this process to see if trends occur regarding reasons teachers leave.
3. Developing deeper understanding – I think once I have analyzed data, I would talk to experienced administrators regarding my findings and gain their insight to the situation and success and failures within school climate.
4. Engaging in Self-Reflection – During this time I think I would be looking at what I have learned and exactly what I can use to ensure schools that I am a part of currently and in the future are able to have an environment that promotes student and teacher success.
5. Exploring Programmatic Patterns – Discuss findings with site supervisor for possible solutions that teachers may be having on our campus to ensure our teacher retention rate is on the rise and people are leaving for reasons that can be fixed or at least worked on from within.
6. Determining direction – In addition to my 2 administrators on campus, I will be working with the SBDM committee and our PTO board to increase involvement for community/parents so that our school has the highest rate of success possible and relationships are established so that people do not want to go elsewhere.
7. Taking action for school improvement – Using my action plan template, I would begin to monitor my progress and revise as needed.
8. Sustaining improvement – I would want to share my findings with others hoping that what I have discovered will help our school and possibly others retain the highest caliber of teachers possible.