Friday, July 16, 2010

5301 - Week 1 posting....Action Research

Action Research is just that...ACTION... I am excited to begin this journey because it is more than looking up a topic to see what "experts" have to say about the topic or their findings. I know these are creditable people but they aren't always addressing my particular issues in my school. There are definitely things to be gained from a broad perspective but using action research allows me to take the information that is specific to my school's need and go from there. As a team, we have begun some of this without realizing it was defined as action research. It is very important to gather and analyze data and create change according to the students' needs. I believe action research will not only benefit me personally as I reflect on my own leadership styles including strengths and weaknesses but impact my school community to thrive in a positive and warm environment. I want teachers to remember why they became teachers and always have that spark and love for the field of education and all it entails. Supporting teachers and empowering them for personal and their student's success will be key in my administrative style. If my teachers are happy, I believe my student's will be happy and both will excel and have a love for learning that will be matched by no other.

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